Farmhouse Granny – Free Pattern


Hey sweeties! You already know that if we are showing up here it is because there is yet another beautiful craft for us to learn. Today we are going back to our beloved crochet. Farmhouse Granny is that versatile pattern, full of beauty and that you will make quickly. The crochet technique is the darling of artisans and there are many reasons for that. It’s an old technique, but that doesn’t mean the pieces aren’t modern.

Nowadays we see many crochet pieces in decorations of modern environments. The innovation of this craft is given the participation of more and more people, with new ideas and a lot of creativity. New clothes, blankets, accessories, rugs, a lot can be done. In addition, it is an inexpensive technique. The only constant investment is the lines. Crochet hooks are very resistant and last a long time. In addition, pieces made of crochet also last for a long time.

But of course, that depends a lot on the yarn quality you choose. Therefore, always opt for quality yarns and take care of the pieces. Wash them well, without hot water. The granny farmhouse can be used for many things. In the pattern you will learn to join them together to form a beautiful blanket. If used separately, they can be used as cup holders, to protect and decorate your table.

Image / Pattern / Tutorial: Design Peak

Our imagination is the limit, we can make beautiful pieces with the same patter. In the photos, you can see that using a single color we have a kind of square and when we use more than one color, the design is already very different. That’s why this craft is so charming. Patterns is available on Design Peak with the video tutorial. The good thing about these videos is that you can go back and keep doing it along with the design of the piece.

Even so, we recommend you watch it in full for the first time and only then start doing it. We hope you like it and create a lot of cool pieces from this pattern. Tell us here in the comments, let’s encourage each other to keep creating beautiful pieces. It’s always a pleasure to see you here, we hope we can continue this partnership so colorful and full of art!


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